Self Defense ebooks

Scam Exposed
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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-08-30
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Title: Scam Exposed
Author: Ellis Wright
Do Not Respond To Another Request For Money Before Reading This Ebook!
You've Been Warned!
It's Saturday afternoon. After putting in a full week on the job, you now have the delightful task of refilling the family larder. Clutching your fistful of coupons, you are braving your way towards the checkout counter.
You've just spent the last hour scratching and fighting your way through the crowds in the grocery store. Your 18 month old daughter is tired of sitting in the passenger seat and is expressing her unhappiness to anyone within earshot while your 4 year old son is tossing fists full of candy bars into the cart.
You're almost down to the wire. You've stacked your mounds of treasure on the moving counter and eased your way toward that tiny little shelf that's supposed to accommodate your purse and anything else you have in your hands. You manage to work your debit card out of that slot in your wallet that they always make too small and run it through the slide.
Foot tapping, both kids are now screaming at the top of their lungs when the clerk says, "sorry it's declined." What? Can't be, you just deposited your paycheck yesterday. Oh well, it probably hasn't posted yet, right?
Pulling out your number one credit card you slide it through with a flourish. Uh, oh! "Sorry, that's declined too," says the clerk with an impatient shrug of her shoulders. Well, this is just ridiculous. Fishing through your purse
... Click here to read the full description!Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Protect Yourself, Family, & Valuables!
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Title: Protect Yourself, Family, & Valuables!
Author: Cash-In.Net
Are You Prepared?
You WILL BE With This e-Book!
Dear friend,
In today's world we can no longer keep our doors unlocked, kept the keys in our car nor can we count on someone not breaking in our homes when we are there. It is sad but crime in our country is high.
According to the FBI Crime stats, there were 11,635,149 reported crimes in 1999. For every 100,000 inhabitants thats 4,266.8 crimes!
The Crimes
Percent of Total Crimes violent crimes of murder & nonneglient
- forcible rape -0.8%
- manslaughter -0.1%
- robbery -3.5%
- property crimes of burglary -18%
- aggravated assault -7.9%
- larceny-theft -59.8%
- arson -Not included in totals
- motor vehicle theft -9.9%
Here's some of what you'll discover...
- How to protect your home from intruders!
- How to protect your home while away!
- How to protect cars, bicycles & motorcycles!
- How to protect yourself from armed robbery!
- How to protect your valuables from theft!
- How to protect yourself while

Tai Chi Chuan
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Title: Tai Chi Chuan
Introduction - what is Tai Chi Chuan?
Tai Chi Chuan is a Chinese form of exercise derived from Taoism, one of China's oldest belief systems. The practice of Tai Chi Chuan is beneficial to health and it is also a subtle, sophisticated and scientific method of self-defence.
Since this system of exercise is suitable for people of all ages and requires little or no special equipment, it has gained an enthusiastic reception all over the world. Tai Chi Chuan evolved to help people improve their physical health, equip them to defend themselves against wild beasts and bandits, and also improve their powers of meditation. In other words, Tai Chi Chuan enables people to survive through fitness and self-defence.
Advantages of practising Tai Chi Tai Chi Chuan is good exercise which enables us to develop a healthy body as well as an alert mind. It is a system of exercise suitable for people of all ages. This exercise requires little or no special equipment. It can be practised in a relatively small area either indoors or outdoors. When performed in a slow and relaxed manner, the Tai Chi Chuan Hand Form offers a balanced drill for the body's muscles and joints through the execution of complex manoeuvres in conjunction with deep regulated breathing and the contraction and expansion of the diaphragm. The deep breathing promoted by the slow practice of the Hand Form causes the diaphragm to expand outwards and downwards and contract inwards and upwards. This movement of the

Self Defence Pressure Points
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Title: Self Defence Pressure Points
A modern definition of self-defense is in order. One way of defining self-defense is to explain what it is not. Personal self-defense is not warfare; it is not vengeance; it is not an art; it is not a sporting event; it is not a movie or television fight scene.
Self-defense is preparation to minimize the possibility of assault. It is training to discover and use appropriate and effective physical actions if there is no practical available alternative.
Self-defense manual is the beginning of a process of learning how to avoid becoming a victim.
Many victims of assault are victims not because they lack the capacity to win fights but because they have been given absolutely no preparation to cope with this special kind of emergency.
The old-fashioned view that self-defense manual is training to reach a high level of fighting skill has the effect of eliminating those individuals who have the greatest need.
It is precisely those people who are unable or unwilling to become fierce fighting machines who benefit from practical self-defense manual to the greatest degree.
Our capabilities ought to bear some relationship to real-life objectives. People learning to defend themselves against assault ought not to be trained as though they were preparing for warfare. The concepts, techniques and methods appropriate for training Samurai warriors are not those appropriate for teaching... Click here to read the full description!
Police Reports
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Title: Police Reports
Crime Reports:
- Manual To Police Scanning.
- Federal Law Enforcement Job Manual.
- How Shoplifting Affects You And Your Family.
- How To Avoid Traffic Accidents.
- How To Avoid Being Arrested.
- How To Avoid Traffic Tickets.
- How To Burglar-proof Your Windows.
- How To Burglar-proof Your Doors.
- How To Get The Most Out Of Your Police Department.
- How To Protect Cars Bicycles Motorcycles.
- How To Guard Against Purse Snatchers.
- How To Protect Your Home From Intruders.
- To Protect Your Valuables From Theft.
- How To Protect Your Home While Away.
- How To Protect Yourself From Armed Robbery.
- How To Protect Yourself On City Streets.
- How To Protect Yourself From Pickpockets.
- How To Protect Yourself When Traveling.
- How To Safeguard Against Rape.
- How To Reduce Crime In Your Neighborhood.
- How To Select A Burglar Alarm.
- Popular Con Games And How To Recognize Them.
- Living With Police Radar.
- Primer For Prospective Police Applicants.
- What To Do When Youre A Crime Victim.

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Sun Wu and his Ebook
Ssu-ma Ch`ien gives the following biography of Sun Tzu: [1]
Sun Tzu Wu was a native of the Ch`i State. His ART OF
WAR brought him to the notice of Ho Lu, [2] King of Wu. Ho Lu said to him: "I have carefully perused your 13 chapters.
May I submit your theory of managing soldiers to a slight test?" Sun Tzu replied: "You may." Ho Lu asked: "May the test be applied to women?" The answer was again in the affirmative, so arrangements were made to bring 180 ladies out of the Palace. Sun Tzu divided them into two companies, and placed one of the King's favorite concubines at the head of each. He then bade them all take spears in their hands, and addressed them thus: "I presume you know the difference between front and back, right hand and left hand?" The girls replied: Yes.
Sun Tzu went on: "When I say "Eyes front," you must look straight ahead. When I say "Left turn," you must face towards your left hand. When I say "Right turn," you must face towards your right hand. When I say "About turn," you must face right round towards your back." Again the girls assented. The words of command having been thus explained, he set up the halberds and battle-axes in order to begin the drill. Then, to the sound of drums, he gave the order "Right turn." But the girls only burst out laughing. Sun Tzu said: "If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, then the general is to blame."

Crime Protection Reports
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Title: Crime Protection Reports
Author: Lillian J. Bell
It can pay you a huge 2000% profit when you sell information on how to guard against it!
While nobody likes to think about it, crime has become one of the World's biggest problems.
Dear Friend,
Crime affects you, me -- everybody... young and old... rich and poor. Nobody is immune. The public demand for this information is unlimited.
The Crime Protection Reports
In this ebook you'll get 15 reports on how to protect yourself and your family from crime.
I created this product because I believed there was a need for people to know what to do to protect themselves from serious crime. A lot of people don't know where to start to protect themselves and their families. In these reports you will discover the techniques you can use for crime protection.
- How to protect yourself on city streets
- How to protect your home from intruders
- How to protect your valuables from theft
- How to guard against purse snatchers
- How to protect yourself when traveling
- How to guard yourself against armed robbery
- How to safeguard against rape
- How to protect yourself from pickpockets
- How to protect cars, bicycles, motorcycles
- How to burglar-proof your windows
- How to protect your home while away
- How to burglar-proof your doors
- How to reduce crime in your neighborhood
- How to select a burglar

Mixed Martial Arts
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Title: Mixed Martial Arts
Do You Want To Discover How To Protect Yourself?
Have You Ever Thought About Learning The Art Of Self-Defense? Learn The World Of MMA!
Dear Friend,
Just know that karate is not the only way to defend yourself. Not that there is anything wrong with karate. It's just that when it comes to protecting yourself, there is more than one way to skin a cat.
There is jujitsu, which is another art of self-defense. Jujitsu has been around for many years and is considered to be one of the most ancient martial arts forms of self-defense. Jujitsu is done in different ways. This self-defense method is based on different techniques, such as strikes, throws and locks. Jujitsu was not always used by the public. At one time, it was used for men in armor.
In this manual, Mixed Martial Arts The Basics of Jujitsu & MMA, you will learn:
- What kind of actions go along with the methods
- Four methods of combat that are used in jujitsu
- Kata competitions
- Five main sectors of the arts of jujitsu training and what they stand for
After you get this manual, you will discover the basics of how you can defend yourself and about competitions that use jujitsu techniques and methods. They are not by any means moves that you can discover overnight. It takes practice and time to get them right. Getting this manual can help you to master what it takes to protect
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF

How to Improve Your Home Security
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Title: How to Improve Your Home Security
Now YOU Can Finally Learn How to Improve Your Home Security WITHOUT Spending a Fortune.
Don't become a victim and risk your important possessions and, more importantly, your family...Instead, grab the only source of information that teaches you how you can quickly and inexpensively make your home unattractive to burglars!
How to Improve Your Home Security And Keep Out Unwanted Intruders
The Top 2 Benefits to "Burglar-Proofing" Your Home:
1) Simple, yet effective ways of securing your home
There's no need for a high-tech alarm system that's difficult to operate, and expensive to purchase. With the tips shown in this book, you'll find out what burglars look for, and how you can quickly and easily become an unattractive option for them.
2) Save money...and secure your family
Not only does this book offer ways of saving money WHILE making your home a burglar's nightmare, but it also helps ensure that those burglars won't have access to your family and yourself. Possessions are one thing, but having your life at risk is something no person should have to worry about.
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
- Other ways to prevent break ins. We'll look at certain types of equipment and other low-cost things you can do to make a burglar's life... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

The Supreme Guide To Home Security Systems
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Title: The Supreme Guide To Home Security Systems
If you are looking for ways to protect and improve your home security without wasting much money then this will be the most important letter you'll read for today...
"Finally, You CAN Stop Living In The Fear Of lowlife criminals With Environmental Protection And Discover How To Attain full Control Of Your Family's Safety By Transforming Your insecure Home Into A Great Wall That grosses Out Trespassers And Burglars permanently!"
If You Have ever Wanted To Know All About Protecting Your Home With The Right Home Security Systems, Then This Guide Is About To Show You All You Need To Know About Home Security Systems.
Dear Home Owner,
Do you realized this days, more and more home owners are having a risk on their home security issues and they could become one of the victim from an intruder that might challenge their family if their home do not equipped with a good home security system?
Yes, I know, the criminals are getting smarter day by day...
As in their minds, the so called "Low Hanging Fruits" and the easy money for them is home burglaries.
So, what do we need to do?
Is our life is being on a risk while we stay in a home that do not equipped with a home security system?
Of course, Yes...that's why I am about to show you and I will show you how to choose the right security... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF
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